(Photo credit: Bryan Cooper & O’Hara Photography)
Born in Baie Comeau QC, David attended universities in Nova Scotia, Alberta, and Ontario. A specialist in geriatric medicine, after completing his postgraduate training he returned to Dalhousie University and was Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education there. He joined the University of Calgary in 1990 where he was the founding head of the Division of Geriatric Medicine, held the first Canadian University Chair in geriatric medicine, the Brenda Strafford Foundation Chair in Geriatric Medicine, for 25 years, and served for 10 years (2012- 2022) as the Academic Lead of the Brenda Strafford Centre on Aging where he championed the inclusion of older adults in the life of the University.
Nationally he has been the Chair of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Specialty Committee in Geriatric Medicine, President of the Canadian Geriatrics Society, editor of the Canadian Geriatrics Journal, and President of the C5R. David has authored approximately 350 peer-reviewed publications reflecting his long-standing interest in topics such as cognitive impairment and dementia, falls, and frailty. From 2010-2022 David was the Local Responsible Investigator for the Calgary Data Collection Site of the CLSA and formerly held leadership roles in the CCNA. He recently joined the CIHR Institute of Aging Advisory Board and chairs the MIRA International Scientific Advisory Board. He took part in the last four Canadian Consensus Conferences on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia, the creation of the Alberta Dementia Strategy and Action Plan and was a member of the CAHS Panel for the Assessment of Evidence and Best Practices for the development of a Canadian Dementia Strategy.