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Action Underway

Action Teams are small, action-oriented groups that have been created based on the identified priority areas of the Strategy Roadmap. Action Teams develop ideas, strategy, and action plans, and determine processes for moving ahead with implementation. Like the Steering Committee, Action Teams strive to engage people impacted by dementia, whether through having them participate on an Action Team or ensuring their voices and expressed needs are considered in the work of the Action Team.


The Awareness Action Team is currently working towards the following outcome: The stigma and denial associated with dementia has been eliminated.

The team has created downloadable and printable resources for people impacted by dementia.  Please click here to access these resources.


The Community Living Action Team is currently working towards the following outcome: People impacted by dementia have the housing and supports to remain in their own communities longer as desired.

Currently, this team is looking at the role of technology in relation to safety and living alone, as well as at what triggers exist for people impacted by dementia that would prompt a move to higher levels of care.


The Coordinated Pathways Action Team is currently working towards the following outcome: All components of the system have learned how to collaborate and deliver seamless, integrated services with ease.

This team is creating a Dementia Resources Care and Support Guide for people impacted by dementia to help them through any stage of dementia.


The Dementia Care Workforce Action Team is currently working towards the following outcome: The dementia care workforce is reflective of, and responsive to, the changing needs of people with dementia and their care partners.

This team has completed a systematic literature review of effective educational strategies for the dementia care workforce followed by a symposium with international guest speakers called “Dementia Re-imagined”. A social innovation lab is now in progress looking at “How might we create the conditions for a model of consistent caring to be implemented and scaled within and across facility-based continuing care (DSL and LTC) in Calgary, so that people with dementia and their families experience a meaningful improvement in their quality of life?”