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Outcomes and Capabilities

The Strategy Roadmap illustrates the pathways to achieving our strategic goal of creating a Calgary community that is a supportive, innovative environment where people impacted by dementia can live life well. This strategic goal can be realized if the following enabling outcomes are achieved.


  • People impacted by dementia can choose to remain in their own communities longer as desired;
  • Care for people impacted by dementia is coordinated and integrated;
  • Improved services and care for people impacted by dementia is a community wide priority;
  • Dementia care is improved through the application of validated research and knowledge and innovative approaches to care; and
  • People have access to early diagnosis and post-diagnosis support as appropriate.

These enabling outcomes are preceded by supporting outcomes that, when grouped, form a number of capabilities – “areas in which efficient and effective action must occur if the key enabling outcome related to that area is to be operationalized”. In Dementia Network Calgary’s Strategy Roadmap, five broad capability areas were identified, three of which include specific areas of focus within that particular capability area.


Dementia-Friendly Communities – People impacted by dementia can choose to remain in their own communities longer, as desired.

  • Interpersonal supports – Interpersonal supports are in place for people affected by dementia.
  • Infrastructure supports – Infrastructure supports are in place for people affected by dementia.

Advocacy and Awareness – Improved services and care for people impacted by dementia is a community wide priority.

  • Advocacy – Community and political leadership is engaged and actively advocating for enhanced dementia care and investment.
  • Awareness – The stigma and denial associated with dementia has been eliminated.
  • Person-centred – The work of the Network is informed by input and feedback from people impacted by dementia and their care partners.
  • Community recognition – The community understands risk factors for dementia and are able to recognize people who may be at risk.
  • Appropriate funding – There are adequate resources to sustain services and address emerging needs.

Coordinated Pathways and Integrated Services – Care for people impacted by dementia is coordinated and integrated.

  • Care partner focus – Community supports enable care partners to provide care longer if appropriate and safe.
  • System focus – System effectiveness is improved.

Balanced Approach to Identification, Diagnosis and Intervention – People have access to early diagnosis and post-diagnosis support as appropriate.

Evidence-Informed Best Practice – Dementia care is improved through the application of validated research and knowledge and innovative approaches to care.